What are the concepts that glass brings to your mind?
As Jean Jacque Rousseau puts it, this concept of innocence, which is called adlandır the most innocent of all stones cam, is described in relation to the simplicity of the direct expression of glass. It is a material that has influenced the formation in architecture for centuries with its connotation of transparency and expressing the boundary between existing and destroyed. It is an important building material with its expressions that hide, veil, reveal, reduce, but also change and diversify our perception or create mystery.
What does / adds to your glass designs?
It is especially valuable for me to take the reflections of the environment and describe the void as if it were destroying its existence. I especially like to use this metaphorical expression in my projects. Beyond the physical expression of the glass, the phenomenal expressions in which the glass is loaded become directive for me.
What materials do you use the glass with most?
I like to balance the reflective surface of the glass with the strong and hard effects of graphically solid materials. GRC, stone surfaces often create the associations I used recently. This plays an important role in describing the relations of occupancy and space, especially in architectural design.
How has glass technology developed over time and what makes it possible for you?
Now we are monitoring the matter and its changes. His expression, which evokes transparency at the beginning of the last century, leads to changes in physical dimensions along with technological advances. Glass is no longer just transparent, it has become a translucent, reflective, energy-producing or conservative material. Even in the near future we will be able to benefit from its potential as a writable material with a 3D printer. What are your dreams for more free use of glass? I look forward to the development of three-dimensional printer technology to reduce or eliminate the required energy consumption in glass production. Apart from energy consumption, I also think that sizing options will come with important alternatives depending on production and transportation limits.
What are your dreams for more free use of glass?
I look forward to the development of three-dimensional printer technology to reduce or eliminate the required energy consumption in glass production. Apart from energy consumption, I also think that sizing options will come with important alternatives depending on production and transportation limits.